Grace Moy O’Brien
(published in EZ Australia vol. 13-18)
It’s a flash, a knowing, a gut feel or perhaps even a voice, but whatever it is, you know you can’t ignore it. That quiet, insistent tug that won’t go away. It might even go against all rational thinking, yet you know deep down, you need to listen to it. We call it intuition.
The Oxford dictionaries define intuition as the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. The Latin word from which it is derived, intueri, means to look inside or to contemplate.
Based on his research, neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D concludes that our intuition is situated at three crucial electromagnetic centres of the body. One is found along the spine, in line with what ancient spiritual teachers refer to as chakras, or energy centres. The second is the electromagnetic centre around the heart, and the third is the electromagnetic centre around the brain. When these three centres work in harmony, intuition is at its most effective.
The HeartMath Institute in California, USA, suggests there are three types of intuition.
The first is implicit knowledge, which refers to acquired knowledge which we have forgotten. The second is energetic sensitivity, an ability to sense a change in the electromagnetic field in the environment. Here, the nervous system is able to sense its environment; such as the ability to sense an imminent earthquake or thunderstorm, or even being stared at.
The third type of intuition which is fascinating, is referred to as nonlocal intuition. It is the knowledge of something for which there is no rational explanation or reasoning. This form of intuition traverses time and space, such as a mother picking up that something is not right with her child who might be on the other side of the world, or having a premonition that something is about to happen before it happens.
How then do we access our intuition and better, still hone it? The Monroe Institute in Virginia USA, helps their students access their intuition via altering their brain waves to theta or gamma frequencies through binaural beats. Their research has demonstrated that their students become more intuitive when their brains are functioning at those frequencies. It is like tuning the dial on your radio. When you tune in to a particular band width, you become privy to the information on that frequency. That information is always there, it is a matter of tapping in to what quantum physicists call the unified field.
Australian film producer, Bill Bennett was saved from being crushed by a truck running a red light, by a voice which came from nowhere, while he was driving on a highway many years ago. A sceptic and non believer, Bennett went searching for the source of that voice. His search took him all over the world. He spoke with mystics and gurus, neuroscientists, medical intuitives, quantum physicists and channellers. The end result is an enlightening film called PGS: Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System (
Bennett’s search for the source of that voice ultimately took him as he described it, to the innermost depths of his soul.
I have spent over 20 years researching and exploring consciousness, and I have found that the more conscious we are, the more intuitive we become. Becoming more conscious is an inward journey, one which can only be taken alone. It is a beautiful journey into self, a never ending journey, but one well worth the trip.
Five ways to get in touch with your intuition:
1. Spend time on your own in nature.
2. Connect with your heart- place your attention on your heart, feel your heart beat, while breathing slowly in and out.
3. Feel love and gratitude while focusing on your heart.
4. Tune in to what it feels like when you get a gut instinct. It may be a knowing, a lightness or tightness in the body or chest, a feeling of something clicking in place, or a sense in the gut.
5. Mindfulness meditation.